George Floyd death: Violence erupts during protests

International News
BBC – Tensions between civilians and law enforcement have been fraught in the U.S. following the death of George Floyd, an African American man who was killed while in police custody. Protests began in Minneapolis on May 26, 2020, resulting in the arrest of police officer Derek Chauvin after three days. By the sixth night, protests spread to New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and LA, with many instances of violence as riot police attempted to disperse crowds using tear gas and rubber bullets.
Where once streets were deserted due to concerns of COVID-19, demonstrators are now gathered in large crowds across more than 75 cities to protest in the name of George Floyd.
CBC – After a decade of no launches, NASA has teamed up with Elon Musk’s company SpaceX to launch the SpaceX built rocket ship into space.
For the first time ever, a private company sent a rocket into space. This was formerly only achieved by three countries (U.S.A., Russia, and China).
The rocket was successfully launched at 3:22 p.m. without issue using the same launch pad used to send the Apollo 11 mission to space half a century ago.
Local News
Global News – City council has approved the proposed urban boundary expansion – in the next 25 years, Ottawa will grow by almost 1,300 hectares in a bid to satiate rising housing demands. The vote, which concluded following 100 virtual delegations and 27 hours of debate over the long standing, contentious issue, came with a result of 15 – 6.
Those who voted “nay” wanted to fulfill Ottawa’s need to house an extra 400,000 residents over the following 25 years exclusively through infill development. Conversely, the “yays” voted to see the amount of buildable land in Ottawa increase by 1,350 – 1650 hectares by 2046.
Human Interest:
The Globe and Mail – One of the unintended side-effects of COVID-19 is a new slew of nocturnal teenagers. With school and public gatherings shut down and no formal schedule to keep them operating at regular hours, teens have turned into night owls. Fortunately, according to sleep experts, this shouldn’t have any negative bearing on their development – and that teenage bodies are naturally attuned to be more nocturnal than their adult counterparts. Natural sleep cycles are regulated by circadian rhythms, a body’s internal clock that determines when we sleep, and when we wake.