Deepti Vempati chooses herself and she hopes we do the same

Discussing self-love and acceptance, the reality show star appeared on campus and talked about relationships ahead of Valentine's Day
Photo: Vasileios Tselios
Deepti Vempati on stage at the Algonquin Commons Theatre on Feb. 10.

Deepti Vempati, a star from the second season of Netflix’s Love is Blind, gave a sit-down talk on self-empowerment at the Algonquin Commons Theatre on Feb. 10.

The event ran for two hours, which started off with a 40-minute conversation between Vempati and Amanda Logan, the Students’ Association’s event programmer.

Vempati, the author of the book I Choose Myself, emphasized the importance of self-love and self-empowerment, specifically for women.

“The most important thing is to give yourself grace,” she said. “Even the most confident people have self-doubt.”

The conversation touched on topics such as relationships, self-care and confidence.

Deepti Vempati (left) listens as Amanda Logan (right) reads from the book "I Choose Myself" at the Algonquin Commons Theatre on Feb. 10.
Deepti Vempati listens as Amanda Logan reads from the book "I Choose Myself" at the Algonquin Commons Theatre on Feb. 10. Photo credit: Vasileios Tselios

Vempati became adored by the viewers of Love is Blind when she chose to prioritize herself over a relationship in which she was being mistreated.

Now, she is using her voice to help women who are in a similar positions.

Vempati said her biggest lesson has been vocalizing her wants and needs. She felt content in the past if people liked her, but she never took the time to examine if the person or the situation was right for her.

“You always attract what you think you deserve at that moment,” she said.

Deepti Vempati (left) speaks with Amanda Logan (right) at the Algonquin Commons Theatre on Feb.10.
Deepti Vempati (left) speaks with Amanda Logan (right) at the Algonquin Commons Theatre on Feb.10. Photo credit: Vasileios Tselios

Vempati answered a lot of questions from the audience about Love is Blind and her experience on the show.

She discussed the process of signing up for the show, her relationship with the producers and other behind-the-scenes secrets.

While answers about the show pleased the audience, the crowd’s questions delved deeper into romantic relationships, race and the empowerment of women.

Rather than asking a question, Rameesha Qazi raised her hand to show her appreciation towards Vempati.

“Thank you, it’s really rare to get depictions of brown women on TV,” said Qazi. “I wanted to say thank you for that.”

Vempati, touched by the sentiment, described the difficulties she faced as a brown woman in reality TV.

Despite the backlash Vempati received from people online who undermined reality TV, she said, “It was really empowering for other Indian women, and I think that’s been the best part.”

Carmen Rochon shared her own personal experience, relating to Vempati’s message. The applause after Rochon’s story marked it as one of the crowd’s favourite moments.

“Having lived (through) a few difficult relationships, I find it is very important to look at yourself in the mirror (and) do that wink, remind yourself that this is what matters,” said Rochon.

“I’m glad that there is an education out there for people to be able to understand and say, ‘maybe I’m not doing this right’,” she added.

Before leaving the stage, Vempati reminded the audience self-confidence does not appear out of nowhere. There are steps and habits that build up a person’s confidence, day by day.

“Confidence takes action,” Vempati said.

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