Noah Leafloor

Performing arts student Fern Marwood wants to make a difference with her music

Noah LeafloorSeptember 25, 2023

Photo: Noah Leafloor


Angela Arthur, Leah Grimes, Jeff Turner and Thaddeus Attagutaluk, from left to right, all attended the first fire on Jan. 19.

The second social fire of the winter semester a success

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From top to bottom, Daniel Aguilar, Aaron Thompson and Brodyn Allen, make up the college's Green Team for Rocket League Esports. They made the top eight in the winter qualifier.

Rocket League team qualifies for next tournament

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Arkyn Kornell and Shion Hyde, second-level PR students, work on the zine in the Student Commons E-Building on Feb. 8.

PR students hope fundraising zine impacts Ottawa

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