AC Hub’s green event plants positivity on campus

The AC Hub hosted another successful Adopt a Plant event on Nov. 8, drawing a multitude of students eager to embrace their future plant besties.
Samantha Therrien, the events officer at the AC Hub, emphasized the positive impact of nurturing a plant as a form of self-care and how the event resonates perfectly with the essence of the AC Hub’s brand, which is committed to incorporating greenery and natural elements into student life.
“Adopt a Plant fits perfectly and is one of our most iconic events. It is kind of like having a pet. It takes you out of your mind and taking care of it,” Therrien said with a smile. “It gets bigger every time.”
Among the students was Alex Beech, a drawing foundation student, who eagerly planned to take her newly adopted plant home.
“I have a large shelf and that’s where I’m going to put my plant,” Beech said. “They produce oxygen, which is good, and they are also fun to look at.”
“It brings people together and helps students make friends in an informal way,” she noted. “It helps bring different types of groups together.”
Brooke Nelson, another drawing foundation student, expressed her excitement about embracing a succulent plant for her room. “I just find plants really cute, and they make me happy,” Nelson said.
As the event concluded, students left with their selected plants, eager to nurture them and create a more serene and vibrant living environment for themselves.
The AC Hub continues to promote a green and sustainable campus culture, promising more initiatives that emphasize the importance of nature in fostering a healthy and thriving student community.
For more information on upcoming events and initiatives, students can visit the AC Hub’s website.