Students learn about maintaining their nutritional health

A homemade mouth-watering kale slaw with maple and balsamic dressing had students salivating at the Adulting 101: National Nutrition Month event
Photo: National Nutrition Month event in the AC Hub. Photo credit
Emma Kaya (right) watching Chef Paul Schutter (left) make the vinaigrette during the Adulting 101

Chef Paul Schutter, the culinary coordinator from the Marketplace Food Court, showed the step-by-step recipe for this low-maintenance dish in the AC Hub on March 25.

The kale slaw recipe requires only six ingredients, making it affordable for students.

The aroma of fresh food filled the room as Schutter taught students what vegetables to use and possible substitutions for dietary restrictions during an Adulting 101 nutrition event.

Emma Kaye, a wellness and sustainability coordinator and registered dietitian, provided a slide presentation of nutrition-related information for students to maintain good well-being.

Pauline Thomson (left) and Miya Watson (right) getting a plate of kale slaw at the Adulting 101: National Nutrition Month event in the AC Hub. Photo credit: Isabella Disley
Pauline Thomson (left) and Miya Watson (right) get a plate of kale slaw at the Adulting 101: National Nutrition Month event in the AC Hub. Photo credit: Isabella Disley

Students recommended this one-hour event as it was helpful and eye-opening.

Miya Watson is a soon-to-be graduating bookkeeping and accounting practices student.

“Definitely come to Adulting 101,” said Watson. “It was definitely something I would suggest other people do. It was very informational.”

“It’s been beneficial because I got to learn a lot about food and how it affects the body,” said Watson.

Pauline Thomson, also a bookkeeping and accounting practices graduating student, found the event to be delicious.

“It was nice to see an actual recipe put into place, be made and the things that are in it explained. It’s been really eye-opening to all the things that we actually put in our bodies when we’re not paying attention,” said Thomson.

“Being able to eat something very different from what I normally would ever eat, especially learning that kale could just be put in such a salad with a balsamic vinaigrette. That was really good,” said Watson.

“Don’t be afraid to try new things that you haven’t tried before,” said Thomson.

Kaye says an overall balanced diet is the key to success.

“There’s not one thing that I would say is unhealthy or healthy in a diet,” said Kaye. “It is what’s nostalgic for you and your upbringing, what’s involved in your culture, what you like and don’t like to eat, if you have allergies, all of those things are involved.”

“A negative effect of having an unbalanced diet would be in general your mood. One that fits your lifestyle is going to make you feel better in general,” said Kaye.

When it comes to advice for students, Kaye mentions that it is best to “take it with a grain of salt.”

“Make sure you’re getting your information from the experts. I think for students in general, there’s a lot of information online about eating and diets and things like that,” Kaye said.

A stand-alone chalkboard in front of the AC Hub that illustrates Adulting 101: Food + Mood. Photo credit: Isabella Disley
A stand-alone chalkboard in front of the AC Hub that illustrates Adulting 101: Food + Mood. Photo credit: Isabella Disley

More details on upcoming Adulting 101 events can be found on the AC Hub’s website. All events are open to Algonquin College students and registration is not required.

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