On-campus special: Drive into the automotive building

For Tyler Arruda, a level three automotive service technician, S-building is home to the garages, tech labs and a lounge area for his course’s programs. He works with the various disassembled engines to learn how to properly perform routine and complex procedures on cars. Home to the automotive service technician and motive power technician students, […]
Photo: Julien Bernier
Algonquin College's automotive areas provides car enthusiasts with accessible learning environments.

For Tyler Arruda, a level three automotive service technician, S-building is home to the garages, tech labs and a lounge area for his course’s programs.

He works with the various disassembled engines to learn how to properly perform routine and complex procedures on cars.

Home to the automotive service technician and motive power technician students, S-building is made up of labs and features a large garage, an area one cannot and should not enter without proper safety gear.

“You get to check out the cool automotive stuff,” he said. “You can see all the cars we get to work on.”

The building’s proximity to the largest parking area on campus provides convenience during the cold winter months.

Car enthusiasts may be interested in paying a visit as it provides the opportunity to see what goes into the maintenance of their vehicles.

The classrooms are open, which allows anyone to take a look at students working on various car parts. There are many cars out on in the large garages as well as large transport trucks

If you are interested in the inner workings of a car then this building would be of great interest to you, as within the shops, engines that have been taken apart are out to be seen.

S-building remains a building that car fanatics would enjoy, but there is no reason why other should not give it a chance.

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