Midday Picnic holds last thrift sale before summer

The midday sun shines through the glass of the student commons, casting a radiant glow on the silver jewelry and second-hand leather boots displayed in the glass cabinet. The reflection in the dressing mirror shows the complex patterns of clothes. Popular music plays loud in the background while students are selecting vintage clothes.
“This event is a sustainable clothing event, vintage curated thrifting event,” said Mark Sola, the organizer of the Midday Picnic.

The last event of Midday Market before the summer break was held at the Student Commons on the afternoon of April 10.
Compared to the general thrift market that usually opens on weekends, this market only opens on Wednesdays.
Sola chose to open in the middle of the week because he wants to make thrift shopping accessible to people who are usually busy and don’t have time to shop for clothes they like.
During the event, various businesses participated in the market. Plato’s Closet, as the only chain company present, received enthusiastic purchases from a large number of students
Chelsea Cochrane, who managed the Plato’s Closet vending space during the event, believes the reason for this is because they have physical stores and promotions on social media. Additionally, all the brands displayed in the shop are trendy could be another reason for attracting students.

Sola said that today is the last market of this semester and he hopes to hold another event in September this year.
Autumn Lapointe, a first-year student of the child and youth care program, bought Lululemon shorts in the market.
She said this kind of event is very exciting and it allows students to save some money. She hopes it can be continued in the future.
“I think they should keep doing it. I like when they do it,” Lapointe said, adding, “my bank account doesn’t like it.”