Algonquin College restarting some programs this summer

In-class education and training will restart at Algonquin College, with a limited selection of classes resuming, according to a news release from the school,
The process of opening the campus will begin on July 2, and will include some courses such as trucking, welding, nursing, engineering, public construction, carpentry and plumbing.
Partially reopening the campus will allow students to graduate from these programs, mainly those which focus on courses that need college tools and facilities to learn.
“The college chose [courses] based on a number of factors including student needs, essential front-line labour market demand, and safety. It also looked at programs that were in the best position to be executed safely and effectively this summer while following current public health recommendations,” said Chris Lackner, head of Algonquin Communications.
“This is tremendous news for students and for employers in key sectors who will need qualified people to help drive Ontario’s economic recovery,” said president and CEO of Algonquin College, Claude Brule in the news release.
The health and well-being of students remains the highest priority of the college.
Other schools in Ontario are also considering which courses to restart.
“Each college has developed a plan that includes guidelines for physical distancing, protocols for cleaning and rules for using personal protective equipment (PPE),” the Algonquin news release said.
“By limiting this pilot project to a small number of levels and students, the college will ensure that very few students and employees are ever on campus at once,” Lackner said..
Midway through March, Algonquin closed its doors due to the rising cases of COVID-19 in Canada, in an attempt to keep the students safe, along with staff. With the help of faculty, Algonquin made a successful transition to online courses and meetings, with video conferences substituting for physical classes.
“The College’s hope is to return to face-to-face teaching in all our traditional programs as soon as it is safe to do so – as always, taking direction from public health and government officials. That said, the lessons Algonquin has learned delivering programs and services remotely during COVID-19 will certainly be beneficial as we craft new experiences for students in the future,” Lackner said.