VP debate highlights student inclusion, issues within AC community

A debate may create the image of a metaphorical battleground, but the opposite took place as both candidates for Algonquin’s vice-presidential election represented themselves in front of the student body on March 27.
The event was more of an inclusive discussion than a debate, where both May Ghadban and Michael Wolff explained their stance on the a variety of student issues.
Much of the discussion surrounded the need for strong mental health services for students in regards to the banning of smoking on campus.
Both candidates firmly stood behind the students and their rights. The Students Association is working to loosen the current policy of the smoke-free campus.
Ghadban and Wolff have served time as members of the Students’ Association’s Board of Directors and hold experience in addressing their student community.
Serving as a member for the BOD is a requirement for presidential and vice presidential candidates.
Wolff has held the position of assistant coach with the Thunder men’s rugby team and understands the importance of student involvement within the college.
“Inclusion leads to partnership; exclusion leads to strife,” Wolff said.
Ghadban follows the priority of inclusion back to her family. Being from a first-generation immigrant family, she has seen the stress from a perspective that most domestic and international students may feel.
“It is a mission to help my family and the society I live in,” said Ghadban.
The SA’s vice-president holds the responsibility of understanding the collective of student voices and advocating for them.
Election week will start at 9 a.m. on April 1 and polls close April 5 at 2 p.m.
Students can vote online at algonquinsa.com and ACSIS or polling stations set up on all three campuses. Every student that votes
The final decision will be revealed on April 5 at 2:30 p.m. in the Observatory (A170), where refreshments will be provided.