Volunteer Centre makes kindness cards to encourage students during exam season

Baskets filled with uplifting cards and candy will be found all over campus to give students kindness during exam season
Photo: Kaitlyn Lemay
Arshpreet Singh showing off one of his motivational cards

Three hundred “kindness” cards spreading encouragement are popping up around campus during a stressful period for students.

The Volunteer Centre organized a community event on Feb. 15 that had students gathered around a table in the AC Hub writing on brightly decorated cards with encouraging messages to uplift the community during exams.

Fathi Mohamed, an early childhood education student, was decorating her third kindness card with cheerful stickers and colours. She knew the importance of finding positivity during exams.

“This is a very stressful time of the semester, we all know that,” said Mohamed.

Fathi Mohamed holds up her first three kindness cards she made with the Volunteer Centre
Fathi Mohamed showing off her first three kindness cards Photo credit: Kaitlyn Lemay

A piece of candy was added to the cards and they were put in a bin to be distributed across the Algonquin College’s Woodroffe campus throughout exam season.

“It’s the first time we’re doing one like this, where students can actually write messages to other students,” said Amanda Rickerd, marketing officer and AC Hub coordinator.

The Volunteer Centre typically does cards or events to help external communities such as seniors but “this time with midterms and exams, Jenny decided to do it internally to give positive messaging and words of encouragement to other students,” Rickerd added.

Jenny Rizk, a volunteer support specialist, organized the event and stocked the tables with supplies like markers, stickers and sunflower-themed cards.

Although the Volunteer Centre offers community hours that can be applied to classes, the opportunity to join was open to all students.

Arshpreet Singh, a student who volunteered for the entire two hours of the event, had offered his time with the Volunteer Centre on two other occasions without claiming hours.

“I just want to be in the college community,” said Singh.

Fifteen students volunteered their time decorating kindness cards, and a group of eight students even stayed for over one hour.

Messages on the cards are meant to motivate students during exams. Each card has simple encouragements written by students, for students, in need of positivity.

“There will be a sign on the basket that says, ‘Do you need some kindness today? Take a card’,” said Rizk.

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