Students reveal their wishes for an improved 2023

With the winter break on the horizon, another year has come and gone. As the end of 2022 draws nearer, it is a time to both reflect on the year that has passed and look forward to the year that is approaching.
Students have had to adapt to the challenges presented by 2022. A surge in cost of living has made life increasingly less affordable. Public transportation has left much to be desired. Campus parking remains costly. Lasting anxieties of isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic linger.
And yet, through the trials and tribulations, there is cause for hope.
A return to on-campus learning has been a source of celebration for many, as hallways now bustle with activity. The college’s sports teams have been on a tear, with the women’s basketball team yet to be defeated. Students in every faculty continue to innovate and contribute to their communities.
With so much for students to look forward to — and for some, to be apprehensive about — the Algonquin Times talked to students to find out what they would like to see improved in their lives in 2023.
Here is what they said.
Gabby Sanabria, a business management student, says she would like to see her professors be more thorough and more specific about what is going to be expected in the new year. #AChumans @AlgonquinColleg @algonquintimes
— Alyx Ewing (@AlyxEwing) December 12, 2022
Mohammed Mohammed, a 20-year-old student in the business office administration program, says as an international student he would love to find a more stable position to stay in Canada. #ACHumans @algonquintimes
— Aadil Naik (@aadilnaik) December 12, 2022
Varsha Surendra Nath, a second year developmental service worker at @AlgonquinColleg , would like to explore more because she didn't get much chance to explore Canada. She would also like more financial stability in her college life. #AChumans
— Nate Drescher (@NateDrescher) December 12, 2022
Tyler Aiston, a second-semester welding and fabrication techniques student, wants to graduate his program and find work in the welding industry in 2023. #AChumans
— Liam Fox (@Liam__fox) December 12, 2022
Jack Huang, a student in the bachelor of commerce program, says he would love to work more on his hobbies in 2023. @AlgonquinColleg #ACHumans
— David Rotel (@therotelhotel) December 12, 2022
Will Daniel, bachelor of public safety, says his main focus is to get his studies back on track, looking to finish his program on a strong note.
— Roberto (@robertoijozef) December 12, 2022
“I’ve got to get my head back in the game. I’ve got to be able to go to school, get to my classes.” #ACHumans @AlgonquinColleg