Students attend the Career Planning Workshop step-by-step guide for their careers

Students begin the school year by creating goal-based career plans.
Photo: Isabella Disley
Jessica Andrews, a Career Advisor, speaking at the Career Planning Workshop in C126.

The Co-op and Career Centre hosted a workshop in Room 126 of the C-building, from 9:30 -11 a.m. on Sept. 11.

This 1 1/2-hour workshop is ideal for first-years but is open to all students via registration.

Jessica Andrews, a career advisor, presented a PowerPoint to students including resources, tips and tricks for making connections.

Each student received a “Career Action Plan” worksheet prompting an illustration of goals for gaining experience, building connections and developing career readiness.

Tom Truong, a first-year paralegal student, agreed the workshop provided many resources.

“I decided to participate in this event because I was hoping that I would get some resources to see what I can do for my next steps, career-wise. It allows me to see what kind of resources are available online and how welcoming and supportive the college is,” said Truong.

Truong mentioned that this workshop is a good starting point.

“I think it’s important because, when you’re a new student at college or you start anything new. It allows you to have a starting point so that everything won’t be coming at you all at once,” said Tuong.

Tom Truong reads the “Career Action Plan” worksheet at the Career Planning Workshop in C126. Photo credit: Isabella Disley

Fiona Ang, a first-year computing programming and analysis student, agreed that this workshop is helpful for other students.

“Other students should participate in it because it provides lots of information about how other activities we did can actually influence our career choices. The event gave me some insights into how our current efforts can directly relate to our own future goals no matter what,” said Ang.

Ang also found this workshop to be informative.

“I participated in this event to get to know what other activities and opportunities that I can do in the school and outside the school that can be related to my career path.”

Andrews mentioned that there is no specific answer to what the most important step is for planning a career. However, taking a step, big or small, is always meaningful.

“I think it can be very daunting to work towards a career goal. I think this is a good way to help you get prepared and get ready early so that by the time you finish your program, you will hopefully have some experience and connections, and it’ll be easier to find a job once you graduate,” said Andrews.

“Hopefully, by the end of the workshop, students will have a few steps or suggestions or ways to kind of move towards their career goal,” said Andrews.

More information on upcoming events can be found in the events calendar of the Student Support Services website.

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