Purrfect day at Sportsplex as cat club celebrates 20th show

Rows of cages with space-themed decorations on fold-out tables lined a room at the Nepean Sportsplex, with purrs and meows filling the air. Cats and kittens of all breeds and sizes drew eyes as they got judged on their feline features. The Ottawa Valley Cat Club hosted their 20th annual Ottawa Cat Show at Sportsplex […]
Photo: Mathew Dicsi
Ottawa Valley Cat Club founder and president Kim Monkhouse, posing with her kitty Bruce.

Rows of cages with space-themed decorations on fold-out tables lined a room at the Nepean Sportsplex, with purrs and meows filling the air. Cats and kittens of all breeds and sizes drew eyes as they got judged on their feline features.

The Ottawa Valley Cat Club hosted their 20th annual Ottawa Cat Show at Sportsplex on Sept. 23 and Sept. 24. This year’s theme was cats in outer space.

“There are prizes to be won, games to be played,” said Kim Monkhouse, Ottawa Valley Cat Club founder and president. “Fun to be had by all.”

Stalls selling everything from cat-themed bags to scent-safe candles to cat-sized hamster wheels covered every wall of the hall. Scores from judging were announced at the end of each day.

“Each day represents its own showing,” said Lynne Jette-Hull, vice-president of the Ottawa Valley Cat Club.

Only cats registered to be judged as part of the show and service animals were permitted in the show hall to ensure the health and safety of all cats.

“Being a non-profit organization, we rely on our gate, and money brought in from the raffle tables to pay for the show,” said Jette-Hull.

The Ottawa Valley Cat Club has organized shows every year since 2000, except for 2018, when the show hall lost power due to tornados, and in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19.

“We have been donated the grand prize of a two-night’s stay at Chateau Morritt in Mont-Tremblant,” said Jette-Hull. “You must be 21 or older to win the prize. We will be selling tickets to help pay for the repairs of our cages.”

The event hosted games for attendees, activities and numerous stalls from local vendors. Activities included “ID the breed” games, spectators’ choice cat awards and raffles for prizes.

“I’ve been to the one (cat show) last year,” said April Kibzey, owner of cat furniture shop SpockZoltaZoomieWheelz Cat Furniture Emporium. “It was pretty good. This year is much bigger so I’m excited to be part of it.”

Kibzey hosted a stall at the show where she sold cat furniture, from cat trees to jute nests to cat wheels.

“All the proceeds from the cat furniture we make and sell will go to the Save the Vanier Cats rescue,” said Kibzey.

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