Free golf simulator tees up fun

As golf continues rising in popularity, some Algonquin College students are unable to afford their favourite sport, with playtime costing $18 per hour. Over the last few years, the sport has gained increased traction across Canada because golf was one of the few large, social sports available during the pandemic. In 2021, golf sales increased […]
Photo: Hunter Miller
Playing golf at the free Wolves Den simulator

As golf continues rising in popularity, some Algonquin College students are unable to afford their favourite sport, with playtime costing $18 per hour.

Over the last few years, the sport has gained increased traction across Canada because golf was one of the few large, social sports available during the pandemic. In 2021, golf sales increased by $20 billion dollars, according to the World Golf Report, a global, economic study of golf equipment and apparel.

Golf is a popular way for a friends to spend some time outside, breathe in the air, and test their patience with the swing of a club. However, with the increase in prices, students are having a difficult time affording 18 holes––roughly three hours of playing time.

Pakenham Highlands Golf Club, a 33-minute drive from campus, can charge up to $55 for 18 holes. If you want to use a golf cart during your round, it costs another $18 per person.

“I have golfed here for years and over the last few years the prices have gone up,” says Lorne Barclay, a member at Pakenham Highlands.

On average, Canadians aged 18 to 24 make $15,784 per year, according to With limited funds, students want to play golf, but struggle with the financial toll.

“It’s too expensive to go play on a course,” says Joe Kitchener, an HVAC student at Algonquin College. “Luckily the college offers a simulator we can use,” .

Algonquin College Students’ Association brought a golf simulator to students in 2022. Conveniently located in a campus restaurant, the Wolves Den, it allows students to learn to play –– free of charge.

“I’ll use the simulator once or twice a week after class,” says James Sweet, a business student at Algonquin College, “It’s free to use, I can play a variety of different courses, and can book and walk right over,” he adds.

To book a time slot for the free simulator visit the link below:

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