From Soundcloud to the main stage: Canadian singer Bad Child sets his own boundaries in music

In high school, we don’t really think about the implications of our actions, unless it’s the impact of thousands of fans responding to an online hit single.
Canadian singer/songwriter, Isaiah Steinberg (a.k.a. Bad Child) released his first self-titled track Bad Child in 2015, through the waves of Soundcloud.
Having grown up in Kitchener, Ont., Steinberg credits the town for its eclectic and unique sound. At the age of nine, he started playing instruments, however, he wanted to isolate himself in order to find his own sound.
And by the time he was in high school, he released his first single. “I just wanted to use it as a way that I could escape,” said Steinberg. “I [wanted] to work in private and explore this world with no boundaries and not mingle too much,”
When he began creating music at a young age, he didn’t think a career he’d make a career of it. Steinberg, who is now 22, had plans to study photojournalism at the University of Toronto, but he thought because he was young, he should pursue his passion instead. “It was something that I did almost as a diary to just explore myself emotionally.”
The singer, who is currently embarking on a tour to cities such as Ottawa, Toronto as well as back to his hometown, said that touring has been a memorable experience in it of itself.
He’s performed at multiple festivals over the summer such as Ottawa Blues Festival and the Lollapalooza music festival in Chicago. One of the memorable moments that he recalled was when he met up with American singer/songwriter Jaden Smith. “Overall, it’s just been really positive,” he said. “I mean, interacting with people on a soulful and meaningful level is just so rewarding.”
Steinberg describes his music style as “Neapolitan ice-cream” because it incorporates a wide range of elements, with no restrictions in place. He doesn’t believe in creating one particular style of music but rather encapsulating a wide range.
“I think it’s just so important that people can explore music freely and not have any restraint,” he said. “(When) you make music and be free and honest with it, it’s so much more satisfying.”
After the release of his single, fame and fortune was not something he was striving for, but sharing music from the soul, he discovered, was a way to connect with listeners. He also shared advice to newer musicians to recognize their intention of why they’re making music in the first place.
“You need to work from the soul and make any meaningful impact you need to. You just need to do what’s truthful to yourself,” said Steinberg. “When it comes to music, there’s no greater education than just going and doing it.”