Algonquin College Public Relations students announce charity events for The Royal

Public Relations students at Algonquin College have organized a number of events in support of mental health awareness and The Royal, one of Canada’s foremost mental health care teaching and research hospitals. Their mission is to “help people living with mental illness and addiction recover faster,” according to a press release.

The students have put together four events to take place through July: Garden and Grow, exploring the benefits of gardening on mental health; Mic Drop the Silence, featuring local artists and headlined by Organ Eyes and Monqiue Messier; Food for Thought, where attendees will have the opportunity to eat and learn at a dinner hosted by the Algonquin College Public Relations (ACPR) students, and guest speakers will discuss the connection between food and mental health, and Sertenitea, a “mental health pitstop” and workshop in the E building of campus.
“We are really excited to raise money for a good cause,” said co-campaign manager Dawson Richards. “In first semester we had a big vote to decide which charity to fundraise for, and The Royal had a lot of momentum behind it.”

Another co-campaign manager, Sophia Wojdak, thinks these kinds of events can help connect people to everyday ways to help strengthen and support their mental health.
“People rarely address the connection between nutrition and mental health, and this event helped to start that conversation for a lot of people,” said Wojdak.
Being open and communicative is a central focus of the four events. Research shows that speaking about experienced mental health struggles can help reduce stigmas, raise awareness and educate others.
“This will be a great informative event,” said Kenyon Elechi, a member of the group organizing Serenitea. “I am very grateful and excited to be a part of it.”
The Food for Thought event took place on July 18. Garden and Grow tickets are $20, but free for children. The event will be held at the M building on July 20. The Serenitea mental health workshop will be held on July 23 in the E building and is free to attend. Mic Drop The Silence tickets are $15, and the event will be held on July 24 at The Rainbow Bistro, 76 Murray Street in the ByWard Market.