ABBA Experience Christmas show was exciting and triumphant

Tribute band dazzled a dancing crowd at the Algonquin Commons Theatre
Photo: Linda Verreault
Andrea Valois (Frida) and Christine Irons (Agnetha), tribute show performers.

If you needed a fun time out dancing, listening to music and relieving stress, then this event was made for you. The Algonquin Commons Theatre was rocking to the tunes of ABBA on Dec. 7 during the ABBA Holly Jolly Christmas show.

People enjoyed a variety of their favourite ABBA tunes and got to get up and dance.

“We get together with our daughter every year to watch movie (Mamma Mia) at Christmas,” said Elenor Hodgson, 68.

Hodgson said her favourite song is Dancing Queen.

ABBA’s music has remained popular generation after generation.

“You can dance to any song, it has upbeat music and a great message in them,” said Keira Greig, 23.

Bonnie Levesque came out with a group of friends. The ladies are part of the Nordic walking club in Carleton Place.

“I got these ladies together and tonight we’re coming to see ABBA. We are going to dance and have too much fun together,” said Levesque.

They were unanimous on their favourite song: Mamma Mia.

Chris Eveland on lead guitar and John Wiberforce on bass.
Chris Eveland on lead guitar and John Wiberforce on bass. Photo credit: Linda Verreault

The lead singers Christine Irons (Agnetha) and Andrea Valois (Frida) got together five years ago.

“I got a phone call from Christine asking me if I wanted to form an ABBA tribute band. Christine and Kevin (who plays Benny in the band) came up with the brainstorm idea, and the rest is history,” said Valois.

They were inspired to focus on ABBA music.

“I think ABBA is the great equalizer,” Valois said. “You have little kids and there are those in their 90s. They all love it. It is celebratory music everybody can relate to it, and they just have a good time. “

Recreating the famous fashion was no easy task — they spent a lot of money having custom costumes.

“I think one of our favourites is the blue and white dresses that we wear that has tails. Another is our gold and white dresses,” said Irons.

They select most of their songs from the gold album and add on a few lesser-known songs in each show. They have been doing well and have even toured with the Tribute show.

“We took our show on tour, we just went to the Maritimes, and upstate New York. We are going to B.C. next year. We have done a lot of Ontario and some shows in Quebec,” said Valois.

When performing a vast array of music there is always one that stands out as a favourite.

“My favorite song to perform is Winner Takes it All,” said Irons.

Both of the women are amazing vocalists and put on a top-notch show. Valois had an early start in her musical career.

“I actually studied music at University of Ottawa, and I have been singing professionally since I was eight,” said Valois.

She met Irons back in high school and they sang and performed many times over the years.

It was a natural transition to being together on this project. It is something that unites them.

“We just did it because we loved the music and we love performing and we love being together we’re all great friends in the band,” said Valois.

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