First Person: Conquering loneliness with a feline friend

Being an only child is a great perk. I never had to argue over who had to do the chores or had to share a bedroom. I became hyper-independent and felt better doing everything on my own.
However, I would feel lonely and disconnected from everyone around me.
Then, my family and I adopted a kitten on Nov. 6, 2021 to help uplift my spirits as I began my first year at the University of Ottawa.
It was love at first sight. From the moment I saw this adorable little creature at my local PetSmart, I knew she was coming home with me.
Immediately after adopting Smokey, I noticed a dynamic shift in my mood and a serotonin boost. I instantly found myself taking good care of Smokey while also curing my loneliness.
Smokey is always by my side, following me around the house like a little shadow. When she is not nearby, Smokey will meow to make it known when she enters the room. She has been a vocal cat from the day we adopted her. On the way home the day we got her, she would quietly meow in her cage. Now Smokey will meow on command for food but also when she momentarily forgets where everyone is in the house.

When I work at home, I make sure that I take frequent breaks, which equates to spending time with Smokey. Smokey walks into the room when I am working, holding a toy in her mouth, dropping it and meowing at me. I would throw the toy for her to chase and fetch up and down the hallway, and sometimes Smokey would randomly chase her tail.

Sitting in the cat kennel in the corner was a green-eyed, tiny curled-up grey ball of fur. Tapped onto the cage was a small white sign with the name Pumpkin written in black ink.
Pets were always part of my family’s household. Pumpkin looked almost identical to my childhood cat. The resemblance made my family switch the not-so-fitting name to Smokey.

Amélie Morin, an Ottawa resident and now cat lover, was in awe when she first saw her cat Patch. Patch has white fur, black patches and bright eyes. Patch has positively supported Morin’s mental health.
“Well, I met her at a cat show, actually. She was in one of the stands and she was just a little baby. She’s so cute. I kind of fell in love with her. It helped me a lot [with mental health] and I had a lot of problems with that. It got me through it all,” said Morin.
Diane Gold, owner and veterinarian of Mer Bleue Veterinary Hospital, said building a strong bond with a pet provides health benefits.
“Studies have shown petting a cat can reduce blood pressure. [Benefits include] decreased anxiety, decreased depression, overall happiness and improvement in blood pressure,” said Gold.
Gold said that maintaining a routine for pets is beneficial for owners.
“Domestic cats that are in the house are dependent on humans for food, shelter, and love. Cats also thrive with routine and enrichment, like we do as humans. By creating a routine for the cat, the human also creates a routine for themselves. Routine has been shown to help with mental health issues in humans,” said Gold.
It has been three years since I brought Smokey home and that decision has been the most impactful for me and my health. Smokey’s presence has brought me happiness, entertainment and companionship while curing my loneliness.