College gets CEWIL accreditation

The college was recently awarded national accreditation for Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning. Algonquin is one of the first Ontario colleges to receive this accreditation. According to David Hall, manager of Co-operative Education, the college has had great success with its co-operative education system, and this accreditation puts the college at equal levels with universities. […]

The college was recently awarded national accreditation for Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning. Algonquin is one of the first Ontario colleges to receive this accreditation.

According to David Hall, manager of Co-operative Education, the college has had great success with its co-operative education system, and this accreditation puts the college at equal levels with universities.

CEWIL website states that to qualify for accreditation co-op programs must provide documentation demonstrating the following: structural criteria, co-op in the institutional context, institutional commitment criteria, and monitoring and evaluation criteria.

The accredited programs by CEWIL are: architectural technician; bachelor of commerce (e-supply chain management) (honours); computer programmer; computer systems technician; computer engineering technician; construction engineering technician; horticultural industries; and internet applications and web development.

Each program has been accredited for six years and had to meet a number of institutional and program-specific measures of excellence to earn the distinction.

“The accreditation is a proof that Co-op staff are doing their job right,” said Nadim Abboud, coordinator Bachelor of Commerce (e-supply chain management) (honours).

The Co-operative Education department is looking at getting more programs CEWIL accreditation.

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