Workshop shows that sticky notes and calendars are great for time-management

Twenty-six eager students attended a time management workshop on Jan. 23 in room C263. “Having time management skills makes managing easier and more successful,” said Ami Okodugha, first-year student in the project management course, one member of the group. Michelle MacIsaac, a learning strategist at Algonquin College, lead students through an hour-long slideshow about scheduling […]
Photo: Baylee Clark
Ami Okodugha, a first-year project managment student after the time management workshop on Jan. 23.

Twenty-six eager students attended a time management workshop on Jan. 23 in room C263.

“Having time management skills makes managing easier and more successful,” said Ami Okodugha, first-year student in the project management course, one member of the group.

Michelle MacIsaac, a learning strategist at Algonquin College, lead students through an hour-long slideshow about scheduling and managing your priorities. As students entered the classroom, she gave everyone two blank sticky notes. She asked them to hold on to those until after.

Finding the balance between life, work and school is the number one issue for college students, she explained.

The group of students, who were all listening quietly, were engaged with what MacIsaac had to say. For example, a couple of students pulled out their phone multiple times throughout to capture important slides that stood out most to them.

Jan. 23, students listened to a time management slideshow by Michelle MacIsaac on during a Time Management workshop in room C263.
Jan. 23, students listened to a time management slideshow by Michelle MacIsaac on during a Time Management workshop in room C263. Photo credit: Baylee Clark

Marjorie Benitez, first-year student in the English academy program, wrote many important points in her notebook.

“I don’t like having two separate calendars – one for family; one for personal use. All in one is much easier,” Benitez said.

MacIsaac went into tools for managing time. Number one tip was creating an ideal weekly schedule.

“Giving yourself extra time is always good,” she said.

Urgent vs. important tasks were next on the list. Things that must be done right now and how important is it really?

“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning,” she said, referencing a quote by Mark Twain. “And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”

Next, she asked that everyone to take the sticky notes from earlier and asked them to do an exercise: make a to-do list.

“Write down things you have to do today on one sticky note,” she instructed. “On the second one I want you to write them in order of urgent versus important.”

The exercise showed students the benefits of physically writing down reminders and things you have to do.

Writing notes can be helpful for putting things in order, remember things as well as managing your time. Then set that into a plan of action.

“The course was indeed helpful for things I need to start doing,” Okodugha said after the workshop. “A good way to start my program and be effective and efficient at the things I need to do.”

Students can manage their time and create a personalized schedule anytime with the college’s online schedule resource.

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