After the college announced on March 13 that it would suspend classes and shift to online learning due to COVID-19, an Algonquin Times reporter visited campus to retrieve her belongings from her locker.
These are some of the photos that were taken during that brief visit on March 20.
At that time it was apparent that students and faculty were respecting the college’s directives on limiting trips to campuses. There were security staff members on site taking note of the few students entering the once-crowded hallways and grounds.
The first six weeks of the spring term are set to begin on May 19, according to Claude Brulé. In his March 27 statement, he confirmed that there will be a one-week break at the end of the winter term followed by six weeks of online classes and the re-introduction of face-to-face activities at the end of June. The statement assured students that this would only be the case if it is assumed that face-to-face learning is safe. Photo credit: Katelin BelliveauIn light of challenges that COVID-19 can pose on a student's learning, the college has decided to offer new options for final grades of the winter 2020 term. Students will be able to receive an Aegrotate (AG) grade instead of their standard A-F grade. If students passed a class, choosing an AG grade will remove that class’ mark from the student’s Grade Point Average while crediting the course itself. According to the March 31 statement, the Registrar’s Office will provide an online form for students to fill-out to make the change once final grades are in at the end of April. Photo credit: Katelin BelliveauAs the flow of traffic to the college has come to a near stand-still, the college started addressing potential parking and U-pass refunds. Campus services said students who prepaid for parking will receive a refund upon request. The Students’ Association has said it is looking towards what other institutions are doing in terms and are considering U-pass refunds. Photo credit: Katelin BelliveauAlgonquin’s Health Services remain open but are reducing their hours, according to President Claude Brulé in an April 3 statement. While students can access campus if they have an appointment with Health Services, it will only be open between 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday to Fridays. Photo credit: Katelin BelliveauIn an email statement on April 3, President Claude Brulé stated that the college has seen an increase in financial support requests from students from the impact of COVID-19. Brulé encouraged those who can to donate to the Algonquin College Emergency Student Fund, after a series of faculty members reached out to ask how they could help students in need. The donation form can be found here: . Photo credit: Katelin Belliveau
Algonquin college | Covid-19 | Photography | Woodroffe campus