Pandora’s Box

“The most horrifying terrors in the simplest objects.”
I am not Pandora.
I am Pandora’s box.
I stay locked away in doomsday,
that never seems to stop.
I have been set free,
out of the whimsies of curiosity.
On a mission to teach,
the people of my county
cruelty and murder, and treachery.
I am not the innocent,
I’ve always been the plague.
I am the catalyst of evil, and I have never strayed.
I teach children hunger and adults slaves,
I am the reason for your loss and the reason for your praise.
And Yet I am the Needed.
And Yet I am the Hope.
You can’t live without me,
‘Cuz then you’ll never grow.
Linda Ixchel Deslauriers – Linda is the most “fangirly” person you will likely ever meet. She’s a second-year student in Algonquin College’s Professional Writing program. She enjoys hot chocolate, rainy evenings, literature and cinema. If looking for her, you will find her on her bed; enthralled in whatever new addiction she’s developed since.