November Horoscopes

Read ahead to see what the future may hold, as told by in-house tarot readers Siobhan Rollo and James Gray
Photo: Siobhan Rollo

Aries (March 21-April 20)

Seven of cups (reversed), two of pentacles, king of pentacles (reversed)

It seems you have something undecided in your life, Aries. Maybe something important? You already know the answer to that decision. It is now that the deck asks you to remember that your time is of the essence. It asks you to pay attention to the things that mean the most to you at this time. The king of pentacles warns you that the more time you spend on affairs and decisions that don’t serve you, the longer you wait to further your success this month.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Knight of wands (reversed), strength (reversed), four of wands (reversed)

This past month may have been very chaotic for you, Taurus. It is now time to bring your attention to yourself. How do you feel? Are you fulfilling your goals? Are you feeling in touch with your loved ones? You won’t go anywhere if you aren’t able to pay attention to the happenings around you. Strength asks you to believe in yourself, as you may be feeling lost in the past month’s chaos. Fear not, Taurus, happiness is around the corner.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Page of wands, the magician (reversed), the emperor (reversed)

Wow, Gemini, this is shaping up to be quite a big month for you! You’re about to have lots of creative ideas. This is a good month to innovate and brainstorm for projects, both group and personal. Speaking of groups, have you been feeling a little underappreciated lately? The magician asks you to stay committed to whatever projects you sign up for. Don’t let your fear of being under-appreciated stop you from seizing your opportunities. The emperor asks you to stay determined, and look for opportunities for leadership in November.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Ace of pentacles, queen of pentacles, the star

Great things are coming your way Cancer! This November, expect opportunities for you to seize your moment. There may be new work opportunities, or opportunities for personal success. The queen of pentacles reminds you to be humble as you move, and to lead with kindness above all. The star seeks to guide you through this good month and asks you to let go of your self-doubt.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Eight of wands (reversed), ace of wands, the sun

Change is inevitable, and November is going to bring you some changes, Leo. Maybe things have already started to change. Either way, now is the time to embrace these changes. With this, however, comes openings. The ace of candles asks you to look for opportunities for positive change and new ideas. Welcome these changes with positivity and enthusiasm, as they are likely to lead to a new you. The sun suggests that there is going to be a positive shift in your life this month. Embrace it with enthusiasm, as the sun seeks to bathe you in its warmth.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Five of pentacles, ten of pentacles, king of cups

The five of pentacles often represents scarcity. Sometimes it’s worth asking for help, Virgo. If you feel like you’re drowning, all you have to do is ask. November may be a good financial month for you as well, Virgo, as the ten of presents seeks to reassure you that an end is coming to what you’re missing. This card serves as your reassurance that your hardship is coming to an end, and it’s almost time to celebrate. The king of cups asks you to seek balance with your head and your heart at this time, and to stay balanced to guarantee success.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

The tower, king of wands, the fool

Libra, the tower is not a reason to be concerned- we promise. The tower represents disruption, chaos, major change. Perhaps this is something you’ve already gone through. Rest assured, the dust will settle once more, and life will become easy again. The king of wands suggest that you will once again be able to focus on the big picture. After your period of chaos, everything will become clear, and there may be opportunities for you to offer unique insight in social situations. The fool asks you to reexamine your potential. You’re capable of more than you believe, especially as you regain your footing. Accept what comes with confidence, as the aftermath is promising.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Three of cups, page of swords, ace of cups

Scorpio, November provides lots of exciting opportunities to get together with friends! The deck suggests that a new person may enter your life soon, and will provide an opportunity for friendship. There may be a lot of creative energy within you and your peers. Embrace it and let things go where they may. The page of swords requests that you ensure your head is in the right place when it comes to these social situations. Be cautious and mindful with the way you socialize, as one person’s way is not more valuable than another’s.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Four of pentacles, two of wands, two of cups

It’s time to think long-term, Sagittarius. The four of pentacles suggests happiness and stability in your domestic life. You’re on-track to accomplish your long-term goals, and the deck encourages you to keep going. Keeping your long-term goals in mind, the two of wands suggest that an important decision may be coming up. Perhaps you’re thinking of travel, or it’s finally time to make a decision you’ve had in your mind for a while. The two of cups suggest that another person may be at play here, such as a partner or a best friend. All that’s left to do now, Sagittarius, is to move in the direction of your goals.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Seven of wands, the devil (reversed), three of wands

Oh dear Capricorn, have you been witness to a lot of conflict lately? Perhaps you’ve even been involved directly. Now is the time to stand your ground if someone is challenging you. Keep in mind what you need from others, and make sure to communicate. The devil makes an appearance to encourage you to face whatever is troubling you. It encourages you to move away from self-sabotaging and to advocate for yourself. The three of wands encourages you to connect with loved ones if necessary to tackle whatever conflicts you encounter.

Aquarius (January 20-Febuary 18)

Seven of swords, seven of cups (reversed), temperance (reversed)

You’re keeping something secret, Aquarius. Be it a new idea, a new relationship, or just general sneakiness: the seven of swords warn you to be careful when playing your cards to your chest. If you’re trying to solve a problem, the deck encourages you to think outside the box, and focus on what solution you truly seek. Maybe you’re keeping your secret because you worry of what road to take. The seven of cups encourages you to dream. What is the best outcome? What do you want out of life? Once you decide, the solution will reveal itself. November will provide plenty of opportunities for self-reflection. Use them wisely.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Six of swords (reversed), the empress, five of wands

It’s time to pick your head up again Pisces, as the time of hardship is over. Be kind to yourself as you begin to put yourself back on the right track. You may be leaving a period of stress, which requires some extra care. The five of wands suggest a conflict involving other people. The empress encourages you to move with compassion for yourself, and look for new methods of self-expression. Should conflict be a concern, make the time for self-care, and get to know yourself again.

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