A cute tale of the desert’s speediest reptile

A Little Green Lizard by Rafael Nuncio-Lappe (Raf)
Out in the West where the sun shines its best
A little green lizard is proud of its crest.
It passes the owl, the wisest of all.
With the quick desert fox, it has a close call.
Not far behind, it hears a coyote.
It had better hurry, for snakes give no notice.
But none of them can, by air or by land,
Catch up to it, who glides down the sand.
These windy gold dunes can always attest
That a little green lizard outwits all the rest.
Raf is a student in the Professional Writing at Algonquin College. Some of his interests include travel, photography, history, languages, fantasy, and science fiction.