12 Days of Christmas Word Scramble
Get ready for the holiday season with our 12 Days of Christmas Word Scramble. Every day, for the next 12 days, letter(s) will be posted to our @atpromo Instagram story and will fit together to create a phrase by the end.
Submissions will only be accepted on the 12th day of the challenge, December 16th, at 12:00pm via the question box on our story.
The first person to reply with the correct unscrambled phrase will win a $25 Tim Hortons gift card. Keep an eye out for our posts. Good luck.
Important Info:
🎄These stories will be saved to a highlight reel on our main page
🎄Letters are scrambled in no particular order
Instagram Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CIN7iC5FFI0/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link